I was born on December 24, 20024 in a small island of Cape Verde, a country located in west coast Africa. Throughout my childhood I have destroyed so many toys due to my eagerness to see what was inside of it, and to figure out why they worked. I had my first laptop (an old, thick HP laptop) that my godfather gave me, which I am forever grateful. Due to my inquisitiveness, I started using numerous types of software, and by the virtue of being economically less advantageous, I often resorted to piracy.
Summer 2024
Developed and maintained a spring Restfull Blog application, using Spring Boot for backend development. Implemented RESTful APIs and CRUD operations using Spring MVC, Spring JDBC, and Hibernate, while integrating advanced filtering and search functionality to enhance the user experience. Configured Spring Security with OAuth2 to secure the application for user authentication and CSRF protection, enhancing the security framework. The application was containerized using Docker, allowing consistent deployment and scalability across different environments. Managed database interactions with PostgreSQL through Spring Data JPA. The project was built and managed using Maven. Tested and validated APIs with Postman to ensure robust HTTP request handling and consistent user data across sessions. Collaboration was facilitated through GitHub for version control.
Technologies:Summer 2024
Developed and maintained a job search application, leveraging Spring Boot for backend development. Implemented RESTful APIs and CRUD operations using Spring MVC, Spring JDBC, and Hibernate, while integrating advanced filtering and search functionality to enhance the user experience. Utilized Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) to log and monitor application performance, ensuring efficiency and reliability. Configured Spring Security with OAuth2 for user authentication and CSRF protection to secure the application. Containerized the application using Docker, ensuring consistent deployment and scalability across different environments. Managed database interactions with PostgreSQL through Spring Data JPA. Built and managed the project using Maven, rigorously testing and validating APIs with Postman to ensure robust HTTP request handling and consistent user data across sessions. Facilitated collaboration through GitHub for version control.
Technologies:Fall 2023
In this pure Python project, I applied the "clean code" best practices. This project is designed to process, filter, and display meteorite data using a console-based interface. The tool provides functionalities for reading, cleaning, and organizing meteorite data, and allows users to generate reports in both text and Excel formats. The project is modular, with different Python files responsible for specific tasks such as data handling, filtering, and display.
Technologies:Fall 2023
TradeNenuxs Online is a digital marketplace platform designed to bridge users and products by offering a seamless navigation experience. Its dynamic interface not only empowers users to discover and connect with products but also redirects them to the appropriate online destinations. With a focus on user engagement, the platform offers an interactive space for users to communicate, enhancing the user-product relationship.